Source code for esmf_regrid.schemes

"""Provides an iris interface for regridding."""

from collections import namedtuple
import copy
import functools

from cf_units import Unit
import dask.array as da
import iris.coords
import iris.cube
from iris.exceptions import CoordinateNotFoundError
from iris.experimental.ugrid import Mesh
import numpy as np

from esmf_regrid.esmf_regridder import GridInfo, RefinedGridInfo, Regridder
from esmf_regrid.experimental.unstructured_regrid import MeshInfo

__all__ = [

def _get_coord(cube, axis):
        coord = cube.coord(axis=axis, dim_coords=True)
    except CoordinateNotFoundError:
        coord = cube.coord(axis=axis)
    return coord

def _get_mask(cube_or_mesh, use_mask=True):
    if use_mask is False:
        result = None
    elif use_mask is True:
        if isinstance(cube_or_mesh, Mesh):
            result = None
            cube = cube_or_mesh
            src_x, src_y = (_get_coord(cube, "x"), _get_coord(cube, "y"))

            horizontal_dims = set(cube.coord_dims(src_x)) | set(cube.coord_dims(src_y))
            other_dims = tuple(set(range(cube.ndim)) - horizontal_dims)

            # Find a representative slice of data that spans both horizontal coords.
            if cube.coord_dims(src_x) == cube.coord_dims(src_y):
                slices = cube.slices([src_x])
                slices = cube.slices([src_x, src_y])
            data = next(slices).data
                # Check that the mask is constant along all other dimensions.
                full_mask =
                if not np.array_equal(
                    da.all(full_mask, axis=other_dims).compute(),
                    da.any(full_mask, axis=other_dims).compute(),
                    raise ValueError(
                        "The mask derived from the cube is not constant over non-horizontal dimensions."
                        "Consider passing in an explicit mask instead."
                mask =
                # Due to structural reasons, the mask should be transposed for curvilinear grids.
                if cube.coord_dims(src_x) != cube.coord_dims(src_y):
                    mask = mask.T
                mask = None
            result = mask
        result = use_mask
    return result

def _contiguous_masked(bounds, mask):
    Return the (N+1, M+1) vertices for 2D coordinate bounds of shape (N, M, 4).

    Assumes the bounds are contiguous outside of the mask. As long as the only
    discontiguities are associated with masked points, the returned vertices will
    represent every bound associated with an unmasked point. This function is
    designed to replicate the behaviour of iris.Coord.contiguous_bounds() for such
    bounds. For each vertex in the returned array there are up to four choices of
    bounds to derive from. Bounds associated with umasked points will be prioritised
    in this choice.

    For example, suppose we have a masked array:

    # 0 0 0 0
    # 0 - - 0
    # 0 - - 0
    # 0 0 0 0

    Now the indices of the final bounds dimension correspond to positions on the
    vertex array. For a bound whose first indixes are (i, j) the corresponding
    position in the vertex array of the four final indices are as follows:
    0=(j, i), 1=(j, i+1), 2=(j+1, i+1), 3=(j+1, i)
    The indices of the bounds which the final array will derive from are as follows:

    # (0, 0, 0) (0, 1, 0) (0, 2, 0) (0, 3, 0) (0, 3, 1)
    # (1, 0, 0) (1, 0, 1) (0, 2, 3) (1, 3, 0) (1, 3, 1)
    # (2, 0, 0) (2, 0, 1) (1, 1, 2) (2, 3, 0) (2, 3, 1)
    # (3, 0, 0) (3, 1, 0) (3, 2, 0) (3, 3, 0) (3, 3, 1)
    # (3, 0, 3) (3, 1, 3) (3, 3, 3) (3, 3, 3) (3, 3, 2)

    Note that only the center bound derives from a masked cell as there are no
    unmasked points to derive from.
    mask = np.array(mask, dtype=int)

    # Construct a blank template array in the shape of the output.
    blank_template = np.zeros([size + 1 for size in mask.shape], dtype=int)

    # Define the slices of the resulting vertex array which derive from the
    # bounds in index 0 to 3.
    slice_0 = np.s_[:-1, :-1]
    slice_1 = np.s_[:-1, 1:]
    slice_2 = np.s_[1:, 1:]
    slice_3 = np.s_[1:, :-1]

    # Define the bounds which will derive from the bounds in index 0.
    filter_0 = blank_template.copy()
    filter_0[slice_0] = 1 - mask
    # Ensure the corner points are covered appropriately.
    filter_0[0, 0] = 1

    # Define the bounds which will derive from the bounds in index 1.
    filter_1 = blank_template.copy()
    filter_1[slice_1] = 1 - mask
    # Ensure the corner and edge bounds are covered appropriately.
    filter_1[0, 1:] = 1
    # Do not cover any points already covered.
    filter_1 = filter_1 * (1 - filter_0)

    # Define the bounds which will derive from the bounds in index 3.
    filter_3 = blank_template.copy()
    filter_3[slice_3] = 1 - mask
    # Ensure the corner and edge bounds are covered appropriately.
    filter_3[1:, 0] = 1
    # Do not cover any points already covered.
    filter_3 = filter_3 * (1 - filter_0 - filter_1)

    # The bounds deriving from index 2 will be all those not already covered.
    filter_2 = 1 - filter_0 - filter_1 - filter_3

    # Copy the bounds information over into the appropriate places.
    contiguous_bounds = blank_template.astype(bounds.dtype)
    contiguous_bounds[slice_0] += bounds[:, :, 0] * filter_0[slice_0]
    contiguous_bounds[slice_1] += bounds[:, :, 1] * filter_1[slice_1]
    contiguous_bounds[slice_2] += bounds[:, :, 2] * filter_2[slice_2]
    contiguous_bounds[slice_3] += bounds[:, :, 3] * filter_3[slice_3]
    return contiguous_bounds

def _cube_to_GridInfo(cube, center=False, resolution=None, mask=None):
    # This is a simplified version of an equivalent function/method in PR #26.
    # It is anticipated that this function will be replaced by the one in PR #26.
    # Returns a GridInfo object describing the horizontal grid of the cube.
    # This may be inherited from code written for the rectilinear regridding scheme.
    lon, lat = _get_coord(cube, "x"), _get_coord(cube, "y")
    #  Checks may cover units, coord systems (e.g. rotated pole), contiguous bounds.
    if cube.coord_system() is None:
        crs = None
        crs = cube.coord_system().as_cartopy_crs()
    londim, latdim = len(lon.shape), len(lat.shape)
    assert londim == latdim
    assert londim in (1, 2)
    if londim == 1:
        # Ensure coords come from a proper grid.
        assert isinstance(lon, iris.coords.DimCoord)
        assert isinstance(lat, iris.coords.DimCoord)
        circular = lon.circular
        lon_bound_array = lon.contiguous_bounds()
        lat_bound_array = lat.contiguous_bounds()
        # TODO: perform checks on lat/lon.
    elif londim == 2:
        assert cube.coord_dims(lon) == cube.coord_dims(lat)
        if not np.any(mask):
            assert lon.is_contiguous()
            assert lat.is_contiguous()
            lon_bound_array = lon.contiguous_bounds()
            lat_bound_array = lat.contiguous_bounds()
            lon_bound_array = _contiguous_masked(lon.bounds, mask)
            lat_bound_array = _contiguous_masked(lat.bounds, mask)
        # 2D coords must be AuxCoords, which do not have a circular attribute.
        circular = False
    lon_points = lon.points
    lat_points = lat.points
    if crs is None:
        lon_bound_array = lon.units.convert(lon_bound_array, Unit("degrees"))
        lat_bound_array = lat.units.convert(lat_bound_array, Unit("degrees"))
        lon_points = lon.units.convert(lon_points, Unit("degrees"))
        lat_points = lon.units.convert(lat_points, Unit("degrees"))
    if resolution is None:
        grid_info = GridInfo(
        grid_info = RefinedGridInfo(
    return grid_info

def _mesh_to_MeshInfo(mesh, location, mask=None):
    # Returns a MeshInfo object describing the mesh of the cube.
    assert mesh.topology_dimension == 2
    if None in mesh.face_coords:
        elem_coords = None
        elem_coords = np.stack([coord.points for coord in mesh.face_coords], axis=-1)
    meshinfo = MeshInfo(
        np.stack([coord.points for coord in mesh.node_coords], axis=-1),
    return meshinfo

def _regrid_along_dims(regridder, data, dims, num_out_dims, mdtol):
    Perform regridding on data over specific dimensions.

    regridder : Regridder
        An instance of Regridder initialised to perfomr regridding.
    data : array
        The data to be regrid.
    dims : tuple of int
        The dimensions in the source data to regrid along.
    num_out_dims : int
        The dimensionality of the target grid/mesh.
    mdtol : float
        Tolerance of missing data.

        The result of regridding the data.

    num_dims = len(dims)
    standard_in_dims = [-1, -2][:num_dims]
    data = np.moveaxis(data, dims, standard_in_dims)
    result = regridder.regrid(data, mdtol=mdtol)

    standard_out_dims = [-1, -2][:num_out_dims]
    if num_dims == 2 and num_out_dims == 1:
        dims = [min(dims)]
    if num_dims == 1 and num_out_dims == 2:
        dims = [dims[0] + 1, dims[0]]
    result = np.moveaxis(result, standard_out_dims, dims)
    return result

def _map_complete_blocks(src, func, dims, out_sizes):
    Apply a function to complete blocks.

    Based on :func:`iris._lazy_data.map_complete_blocks`.
    By "complete blocks" we mean that certain dimensions are enforced to be
    spanned by single chunks.
    Unlike the iris version of this function, this function also handles
    cases where the input and output have a different number of dimensions.
    The particular cases this function is designed for involves collapsing
    a 2D grid to a 1D mesh and expanding a 1D mesh to a 2D grid. Cases
    involving the mapping between the same number of dimensions should still
    behave the same as before.

    src : cube
        Source :class:`~iris.cube.Cube` that function is applied to.
    func : function
        Function to apply.
    dims : tuple of int
        Dimensions that cannot be chunked.
    out_sizes : tuple of int
        Output size of dimensions that cannot be chunked.

        Either a :class:`dask.array.array`, or :class:`numpy.ndarray`
        depending on the laziness of the data in src.

    if not src.has_lazy_data():
        return func(

    data = src.lazy_data()

    # Ensure dims are not chunked
    in_chunks = list(data.chunks)
    for dim in dims:
        in_chunks[dim] = src.shape[dim]
    data = data.rechunk(in_chunks)

    # Determine output chunks
    num_dims = len(dims)
    num_out = len(out_sizes)
    out_chunks = list(data.chunks)
    sorted_dims = sorted(dims)
    if num_out == 1:
        out_chunks[sorted_dims[0]] = out_sizes[0]
        for dim, size in zip(dims, out_sizes):
            # Note: when mapping 2D to 2D, this will be the only alteration to
            # out_chunks, the same as iris._lazy_data.map_complete_blocks
            out_chunks[dim] = size

    dropped_dims = []
    new_axis = None
    if num_out > num_dims:
        # While this code should be robust for cases where num_out > num_dims > 1,
        # there is some ambiguity as to what their behaviour ought to be.
        # Since these cases are out of our own scope, we explicitly ignore them
        # for the time being.
        assert num_dims == 1
        # While this code should be robust for cases where num_out > 2,
        # we expect to handle at most 2D grids.
        # Since these cases are out of our own scope, we explicitly ignore them
        # for the time being.
        assert num_out == 2
        slice_index = sorted_dims[-1]
        # Insert the remaining contents of out_sizes in the position immediately
        # after the last dimension.
        out_chunks[slice_index:slice_index] = out_sizes[num_dims:]
        new_axis = range(slice_index, slice_index + num_out - num_dims)
    elif num_dims > num_out:
        # While this code should be robust for cases where num_dims > num_out > 1,
        # there is some ambiguity as to what their behaviour ought to be.
        # Since these cases are out of our own scope, we explicitly ignore them
        # for the time being.
        assert num_out == 1
        # While this code should be robust for cases where num_dims > 2,
        # we expect to handle at most 2D grids.
        # Since these cases are out of our own scope, we explicitly ignore them
        # for the time being.
        assert num_dims == 2
        dropped_dims = sorted_dims[num_out:]
        # Remove the remaining dimensions from the expected output shape.
        for dim in dropped_dims[::-1]:

    return data.map_blocks(

def _create_cube(data, src_cube, src_dims, tgt_coords, num_tgt_dims):
    Return a new cube for the result of regridding.

    Returned cube represents the result of regridding the source cube
    onto the new grid/mesh.
    All the metadata and coordinates of the result cube are copied from
    the source cube, with two exceptions:
        - Grid/mesh coordinates are copied from the target cube.
        - Auxiliary coordinates which span the grid dimensions are

    data : array
        The regridded data as an N-dimensional NumPy array.
    src_cube : cube
        The source Cube.
    src_dims : tuple of int
        The dimensions of the X and Y coordinate within the source Cube.
    tgt_coords : tuple of :class:`iris.coords.Coord`\\ 's
        Either two 1D :class:`iris.coords.DimCoord`\\ 's, two 1D
        :class:`iris.experimental.ugrid.DimCoord`\\ 's or two 2D
        :class:`iris.coords.AuxCoord`\\ 's representing the new grid's
        X and Y coordinates.
    num_tgt_dims : int
        The number of dimensions that the target grid/mesh spans.

        A new iris.cube.Cube instance.

    new_cube = iris.cube.Cube(data)

    if len(src_dims) == 2:
        grid_x_dim, grid_y_dim = src_dims
    elif len(src_dims) == 1:
        grid_y_dim = src_dims[0]
        grid_x_dim = grid_y_dim + 1
        raise ValueError(
            f"Source grid must be described by 1 or 2 dimensions, got {len(src_dims)}"
    if num_tgt_dims == 1:
        grid_y_dim = grid_x_dim = min(src_dims)
    for tgt_coord, dim in zip(tgt_coords, (grid_x_dim, grid_y_dim)):
        if len(tgt_coord.shape) == 1:
            if isinstance(tgt_coord, iris.coords.DimCoord):
                new_cube.add_dim_coord(tgt_coord, dim)
                new_cube.add_aux_coord(tgt_coord, dim)
            new_cube.add_aux_coord(tgt_coord, (grid_y_dim, grid_x_dim))

    new_cube.metadata = copy.deepcopy(src_cube.metadata)

    def copy_coords(src_coords, add_method):
        for coord in src_coords:
            dims = src_cube.coord_dims(coord)
            if set(src_dims).intersection(set(dims)):
            offset = num_tgt_dims - len(src_dims)
            dims = [dim if dim < max(src_dims) else dim + offset for dim in dims]
            result_coord = coord.copy()
            # Add result_coord to the owner of add_method.
            add_method(result_coord, dims)

    copy_coords(src_cube.dim_coords, new_cube.add_dim_coord)
    copy_coords(src_cube.aux_coords, new_cube.add_aux_coord)

    return new_cube

RegridInfo = namedtuple("RegridInfo", ["dims", "target", "regridder"])
GridRecord = namedtuple("GridRecord", ["grid_x", "grid_y"])
MeshRecord = namedtuple("MeshRecord", ["mesh", "location"])

def _make_gridinfo(cube, method, resolution, mask):
    if resolution is not None:
        if not (isinstance(resolution, int) and resolution > 0):
            raise ValueError("resolution must be a positive integer.")
        if method != "conservative":
            raise ValueError("resolution can only be set for conservative regridding.")
    if method == "conservative":
        center = False
    elif method in ("bilinear", "nearest"):
        center = True
        raise NotImplementedError(
            f"method must be either 'bilinear', 'conservative' or 'nearest', got '{method}'."
    return _cube_to_GridInfo(cube, center=center, resolution=resolution, mask=mask)

def _make_meshinfo(cube_or_mesh, method, mask, src_or_tgt, location=None):
    if isinstance(cube_or_mesh, Mesh):
        mesh = cube_or_mesh
        mesh = cube_or_mesh.mesh
        location = cube_or_mesh.location
    if mesh is None:
        raise ValueError(f"The {src_or_tgt} cube is not defined on a mesh.")
    if method == "conservative":
        if location != "face":
            raise ValueError(
                f"Conservative regridding requires a {src_or_tgt} cube located on "
                f"the face of a cube, target cube had the {location} location."
    elif method in ("bilinear", "nearest"):
        if location not in ["face", "node"]:
            raise ValueError(
                f"{method} regridding requires a {src_or_tgt} cube with a node "
                f"or face location, target cube had the {location} location."
        if location == "face" and None in mesh.face_coords:
            raise ValueError(
                f"{method} regridding requires a {src_or_tgt} cube on a face"
                f"location to have a face center."
        raise NotImplementedError(
            f"method must be either 'bilinear', 'conservative' or 'nearest', got '{method}'."

    return _mesh_to_MeshInfo(mesh, location, mask=mask)

def _regrid_rectilinear_to_rectilinear__prepare(
    First (setup) part of 'regrid_rectilinear_to_rectilinear'.

    Check inputs and calculate the sparse regrid matrix and related info.
    The 'regrid info' returned can be re-used over many 2d slices.

    tgt_x = _get_coord(tgt_grid_cube, "x")
    tgt_y = _get_coord(tgt_grid_cube, "y")
    src_x = _get_coord(src_grid_cube, "x")
    src_y = _get_coord(src_grid_cube, "y")

    if len(src_x.shape) == 1:
        grid_x_dim = src_grid_cube.coord_dims(src_x)[0]
        grid_y_dim = src_grid_cube.coord_dims(src_y)[0]
        grid_y_dim, grid_x_dim = src_grid_cube.coord_dims(src_x)

    srcinfo = _make_gridinfo(src_grid_cube, method, src_resolution, src_mask)
    tgtinfo = _make_gridinfo(tgt_grid_cube, method, tgt_resolution, tgt_mask)

    regridder = Regridder(
        srcinfo, tgtinfo, method=method, precomputed_weights=precomputed_weights

    regrid_info = RegridInfo(
        dims=[grid_x_dim, grid_y_dim],
        target=GridRecord(tgt_x, tgt_y),

    return regrid_info

def _regrid_rectilinear_to_rectilinear__perform(src_cube, regrid_info, mdtol):
    Second (regrid) part of 'regrid_rectilinear_to_rectilinear'.

    Perform the prepared regrid calculation on a single cube.

    grid_x_dim, grid_y_dim = regrid_info.dims
    grid_x, grid_y =
    regridder = regrid_info.regridder

    # Set up a function which can accept just chunk of data as an argument.
    regrid = functools.partial(
        dims=[grid_x_dim, grid_y_dim],

    # Apply regrid to all the chunks of src_cube, ensuring first that all
    # chunks cover the entire horizontal plane (otherwise they would break
    # the regrid function).
    if len(grid_x.shape) == 1:
        chunk_shape = (len(grid_x.points), len(grid_y.points))
        # Due to structural reasons, the order here must be reversed.
        chunk_shape = grid_x.shape[::-1]
    new_data = _map_complete_blocks(
        (grid_x_dim, grid_y_dim),

    new_cube = _create_cube(
        (grid_x_dim, grid_y_dim),
        (grid_x, grid_y),
    return new_cube

def _regrid_unstructured_to_rectilinear__prepare(
    First (setup) part of 'regrid_unstructured_to_rectilinear'.

    Check inputs and calculate the sparse regrid matrix and related info.
    The 'regrid info' returned can be re-used over many 2d slices.

    grid_x = _get_coord(target_grid_cube, "x")
    grid_y = _get_coord(target_grid_cube, "y")

    # From src_mesh_cube, fetch the mesh, and the dimension on the cube which that
    # mesh belongs to.
    mesh_dim = src_mesh_cube.mesh_dim()

    meshinfo = _make_meshinfo(src_mesh_cube, method, src_mask, "source")
    gridinfo = _make_gridinfo(target_grid_cube, method, tgt_resolution, tgt_mask)

    regridder = Regridder(
        meshinfo, gridinfo, method=method, precomputed_weights=precomputed_weights

    regrid_info = RegridInfo(
        target=GridRecord(grid_x, grid_y),

    return regrid_info

def _regrid_unstructured_to_rectilinear__perform(src_cube, regrid_info, mdtol):
    Second (regrid) part of 'regrid_unstructured_to_rectilinear'.

    Perform the prepared regrid calculation on a single cube.

    (mesh_dim,) = regrid_info.dims
    grid_x, grid_y =
    regridder = regrid_info.regridder

    # Set up a function which can accept just chunk of data as an argument.
    regrid = functools.partial(

    # Apply regrid to all the chunks of src_cube, ensuring first that all
    # chunks cover the entire horizontal plane (otherwise they would break
    # the regrid function).
    if len(grid_x.shape) == 1:
        chunk_shape = (len(grid_x.points), len(grid_y.points))
        # Due to structural reasons, the order here must be reversed.
        chunk_shape = grid_x.shape[::-1]
    new_data = _map_complete_blocks(

    new_cube = _create_cube(
        (grid_x, grid_y),

    # TODO: apply tweaks to created cube (slice out length 1 dimensions)

    return new_cube

def _regrid_rectilinear_to_unstructured__prepare(
    First (setup) part of 'regrid_rectilinear_to_unstructured'.

    Check inputs and calculate the sparse regrid matrix and related info.
    The 'regrid info' returned can be re-used over many 2d slices.

    grid_x = _get_coord(src_grid_cube, "x")
    grid_y = _get_coord(src_grid_cube, "y")
    if isinstance(tgt_cube_or_mesh, Mesh):
        mesh = tgt_cube_or_mesh
        location = tgt_location
        mesh = tgt_cube_or_mesh.mesh
        location = tgt_cube_or_mesh.location

    if grid_x.ndim == 1:
        (grid_x_dim,) = src_grid_cube.coord_dims(grid_x)
        (grid_y_dim,) = src_grid_cube.coord_dims(grid_y)
        grid_y_dim, grid_x_dim = src_grid_cube.coord_dims(grid_x)

    meshinfo = _make_meshinfo(
        tgt_cube_or_mesh, method, tgt_mask, "target", location=tgt_location
    gridinfo = _make_gridinfo(src_grid_cube, method, src_resolution, src_mask)

    regridder = Regridder(
        gridinfo, meshinfo, method=method, precomputed_weights=precomputed_weights

    regrid_info = RegridInfo(
        dims=[grid_x_dim, grid_y_dim],
        target=MeshRecord(mesh, location),

    return regrid_info

def _regrid_rectilinear_to_unstructured__perform(src_cube, regrid_info, mdtol):
    Second (regrid) part of 'regrid_rectilinear_to_unstructured'.

    Perform the prepared regrid calculation on a single cube.

    grid_x_dim, grid_y_dim = regrid_info.dims
    mesh, location =
    regridder = regrid_info.regridder

    # Set up a function which can accept just chunk of data as an argument.
    regrid = functools.partial(
        dims=[grid_x_dim, grid_y_dim],
    if location == "face":
        face_node = mesh.face_node_connectivity
        # In face_node_connectivity: `location`= face, `connected` = node, so
        # you want to get the length of the `location` dimension.
        chunk_shape = (face_node.shape[face_node.location_axis],)
    elif location == "node":
        chunk_shape = mesh.node_coords[0].shape
        raise NotImplementedError(f"Unrecognised location {location}.")

    # Apply regrid to all the chunks of src_cube, ensuring first that all
    # chunks cover the entire horizontal plane (otherwise they would break
    # the regrid function).
    new_data = _map_complete_blocks(
        (grid_x_dim, grid_y_dim),

    new_cube = _create_cube(
        (grid_x_dim, grid_y_dim),
    return new_cube

def _regrid_unstructured_to_unstructured__prepare(
    First (setup) part of 'regrid_unstructured_to_unstructured'.

    Check inputs and calculate the sparse regrid matrix and related info.
    The 'regrid info' returned can be re-used over many 2d slices.

    if isinstance(tgt_cube_or_mesh, Mesh):
        mesh = tgt_cube_or_mesh
        location = tgt_location
        mesh = tgt_cube_or_mesh.mesh
        location = tgt_cube_or_mesh.location

    mesh_dim = src_mesh_cube.mesh_dim()

    src_meshinfo = _make_meshinfo(
        src_mesh_cube, method, src_mask, "source", location=src_location
    tgt_meshinfo = _make_meshinfo(
        tgt_cube_or_mesh, method, tgt_mask, "target", location=tgt_location

    regridder = Regridder(

    regrid_info = RegridInfo(
        target=MeshRecord(mesh, location),

    return regrid_info

def _regrid_unstructured_to_unstructured__perform(src_cube, regrid_info, mdtol):
    Second (regrid) part of 'regrid_unstructured_to_unstructured'.

    Perform the prepared regrid calculation on a single cube.

    (mesh_dim,) = regrid_info.dims
    mesh, location =
    regridder = regrid_info.regridder

    regrid = functools.partial(
    if location == "face":
        face_node = mesh.face_node_connectivity
        chunk_shape = (face_node.shape[face_node.location_axis],)
    elif location == "node":
        chunk_shape = mesh.node_coords[0].shape
        raise NotImplementedError(f"Unrecognised location {location}.")

    new_data = _map_complete_blocks(

    new_cube = _create_cube(

    return new_cube

[docs] def regrid_rectilinear_to_rectilinear( src_cube, grid_cube, mdtol=0, method="conservative", src_resolution=None, tgt_resolution=None, ): r""" Regrid rectilinear :class:`~iris.cube.Cube` onto another rectilinear grid. Return a new :class:`~iris.cube.Cube` with :attr:`` values calculated using the area weighted mean of :attr:`` values from ``src_cube`` regridded onto the horizontal grid of ``grid_cube``. Parameters ---------- src_cube : :class:`iris.cube.Cube` A rectilinear instance of :class:`~iris.cube.Cube` that supplies the data, metadata and coordinates. grid_cube : :class:`iris.cube.Cube` A rectilinear instance of :class:`~iris.cube.Cube` that supplies the desired horizontal grid definition. mdtol : float, default=0 Tolerance of missing data. The value returned in each element of the returned :class:`~iris.cube.Cube`\\ 's :attr:`` array will be masked if the fraction of masked data in the overlapping cells of ``src_cube`` exceeds ``mdtol``. This fraction is calculated based on the area of masked cells within each target cell. ``mdtol=0`` means no missing data is tolerated while ``mdtol=1`` will mean the resulting element will be masked if and only if all the overlapping cells of ``src_cube`` are masked. method : str, default="conservative" Either "conservative", "bilinear" or "nearest". Corresponds to the :mod:`esmpy` methods :attr:`~esmpy.api.constants.RegridMethod.CONSERVE`, :attr:`~esmpy.api.constants.RegridMethod.BILINEAR` or :attr:`~esmpy.api.constants.RegridMethod.NEAREST_STOD` used to calculate weights. src_resolution, tgt_resolution : int, optional If present, represents the amount of latitude slices per source/target cell given to ESMF for calculation. Returns ------- :class:`iris.cube.Cube` A new :class:`~iris.cube.Cube` instance. """ regrid_info = _regrid_rectilinear_to_rectilinear__prepare( src_cube, grid_cube, method=method, src_resolution=src_resolution, tgt_resolution=tgt_resolution, ) result = _regrid_rectilinear_to_rectilinear__perform(src_cube, regrid_info, mdtol) return result
[docs] class ESMFAreaWeighted: """ A scheme which can be recognised by :meth:`iris.cube.Cube.regrid`. This class describes an area-weighted regridding scheme for regridding between horizontal grids/meshes. It uses :mod:`esmpy` to handle calculations and allows for different coordinate systems. """ def __init__( self, mdtol=0, use_src_mask=False, use_tgt_mask=False, tgt_location="face" ): """ Area-weighted scheme for regridding between rectilinear grids. Parameters ---------- mdtol : float, default=0 Tolerance of missing data. The value returned in each element of the returned array will be masked if the fraction of missing data exceeds ``mdtol``. This fraction is calculated based on the area of masked cells within each target cell. ``mdtol=0`` means no masked data is tolerated while ``mdtol=1`` will mean the resulting element will be masked if and only if all the overlapping elements of the source grid are masked. use_src_mask : bool, default=False If True, derive a mask from source cube which will tell :mod:`esmpy` which points to ignore. use_tgt_mask : bool, default=False If True, derive a mask from target cube which will tell :mod:`esmpy` which points to ignore. tgt_location : str or None, default="face" Either "face" or "node". Describes the location for data on the mesh if the target is not a :class:`~iris.cube.Cube`. """ if not (0 <= mdtol <= 1): msg = "Value for mdtol must be in range 0 - 1, got {}." raise ValueError(msg.format(mdtol)) if tgt_location is not None and tgt_location != "face": raise ValueError( "For area weighted regridding, target location must be 'face'." ) self.mdtol = mdtol self.use_src_mask = use_src_mask self.use_tgt_mask = use_tgt_mask self.tgt_location = "face" def __repr__(self): """Return a representation of the class.""" return "ESMFAreaWeighted(mdtol={})".format(self.mdtol)
[docs] def regridder( self, src_grid, tgt_grid, use_src_mask=None, use_tgt_mask=None, tgt_location="face", ): """ Create regridder to perform regridding from ``src_grid`` to ``tgt_grid``. Parameters ---------- src_grid : :class:`iris.cube.Cube` The :class:`~iris.cube.Cube` defining the source. tgt_grid : :class:`iris.cube.Cube` or :class:`iris.experimental.ugrid.Mesh` The unstructured :class:`~iris.cube.Cube`or :class:`~iris.experimental.ugrid.Mesh` defining the target. use_src_mask : :obj:`~numpy.typing.ArrayLike` or bool, optional Array describing which elements :mod:`esmpy` will ignore on the src_grid. If True, the mask will be derived from src_grid. use_tgt_mask : :obj:`~numpy.typing.ArrayLike` or bool, optional Array describing which elements :mod:`esmpy` will ignore on the tgt_grid. If True, the mask will be derived from tgt_grid. tgt_location : str or None, default="face" Either "face" or "node". Describes the location for data on the mesh if the target is not a :class:`~iris.cube.Cube`. Returns ------- :class:`ESMFAreaWeightedRegridder` A callable instance of a regridder with the interface: ``regridder(cube)`` ... where ``cube`` is a :class:`~iris.cube.Cube` with the same grid as ``src_grid`` that is to be regridded to the grid of ``tgt_grid``. Raises ------ ValueError If ``use_src_mask`` or ``use_tgt_mask`` are True while the masks on ``src_grid`` or ``tgt_grid`` respectively are not constant over non-horizontal dimensions. """ if use_src_mask is None: use_src_mask = self.use_src_mask if use_tgt_mask is None: use_tgt_mask = self.use_tgt_mask if tgt_location is not None and tgt_location != "face": raise ValueError( "For area weighted regridding, target location must be 'face'." ) return ESMFAreaWeightedRegridder( src_grid, tgt_grid, mdtol=self.mdtol, use_src_mask=use_src_mask, use_tgt_mask=use_tgt_mask, tgt_location="face", )
[docs] class ESMFBilinear: """ A scheme which can be recognised by :meth:`iris.cube.Cube.regrid`. This class describes a bilinear regridding scheme for regridding between horizontal grids/meshes. It uses :mod:`esmpy` to handle calculations and allows for different coordinate systems. """ def __init__( self, mdtol=0, use_src_mask=False, use_tgt_mask=False, tgt_location=None ): """ Area-weighted scheme for regridding between rectilinear grids. Parameters ---------- mdtol : float, default=0 Tolerance of missing data. The value returned in each element of the returned array will be masked if the fraction of missing data exceeds ``mdtol``. use_src_mask : bool, default=False If True, derive a mask from source cube which will tell :mod:`esmpy` which points to ignore. use_tgt_mask : bool, default=False If True, derive a mask from target cube which will tell :mod:`esmpy` which points to ignore. tgt_location : str or None, default=None Either "face" or "node". Describes the location for data on the mesh if the target is not a :class:`~iris.cube.Cube`. """ if not (0 <= mdtol <= 1): msg = "Value for mdtol must be in range 0 - 1, got {}." raise ValueError(msg.format(mdtol)) self.mdtol = mdtol self.use_src_mask = use_src_mask self.use_tgt_mask = use_tgt_mask self.tgt_location = tgt_location def __repr__(self): """Return a representation of the class.""" return "ESMFBilinear(mdtol={})".format(self.mdtol)
[docs] def regridder( self, src_grid, tgt_grid, use_src_mask=None, use_tgt_mask=None, tgt_location=None, ): """ Create regridder to perform regridding from ``src_grid`` to ``tgt_grid``. Parameters ---------- src_grid : :class:`iris.cube.Cube` The :class:`~iris.cube.Cube` defining the source. tgt_grid : :class:`iris.cube.Cube` or :class:`iris.experimental.ugrid.Mesh` The unstructured :class:`~iris.cube.Cube`or :class:`~iris.experimental.ugrid.Mesh` defining the target. use_src_mask : :obj:`~numpy.typing.ArrayLike` or bool, optional Array describing which elements :mod:`esmpy` will ignore on the src_grid. If True, the mask will be derived from src_grid. use_tgt_mask : :obj:`~numpy.typing.ArrayLike` or bool, optional Array describing which elements :mod:`esmpy` will ignore on the tgt_grid. If True, the mask will be derived from tgt_grid. tgt_location : str or None, default=None Either "face" or "node". Describes the location for data on the mesh if the target is not a :class:`~iris.cube.Cube`. Returns ------- :class:`ESMFBilinearRegridder` A callable instance of a regridder with the interface: ``regridder(cube)`` ... where ``cube`` is a :class:`~iris.cube.Cube` with the same grid as ``src_grid`` that is to be regridded to the grid of ``tgt_grid``. Raises ------ ValueError If ``use_src_mask`` or ``use_tgt_mask`` are True while the masks on ``src_grid`` or ``tgt_grid`` respectively are not constant over non-horizontal dimensions. """ if use_src_mask is None: use_src_mask = self.use_src_mask if use_tgt_mask is None: use_tgt_mask = self.use_tgt_mask if tgt_location is None: tgt_location = self.tgt_location return ESMFBilinearRegridder( src_grid, tgt_grid, mdtol=self.mdtol, use_src_mask=use_src_mask, use_tgt_mask=use_tgt_mask, tgt_location=tgt_location, )
[docs] class ESMFNearest: """ A scheme which can be recognised by :meth:`iris.cube.Cube.regrid`. This class describes a nearest neighbour regridding scheme for regridding between horizontal grids/meshes. It uses :mod:`esmpy` to handle calculations and allows for different coordinate systems. Notes ----- By default, masked data is handled by masking the result when the nearest source point is masked, however, if `use_src_mask` is True, then the nearest unmasked point is used instead. This differs from other regridding methods where `use_src_mask` has no effect on the mathematics. Like other methods, when `use_src_mask` is True, the mask must be constant over all non-horizontal dimensions otherwise an error is thrown. When two source points are a constant distance from a target point, the decision for which point is used is based on the indexing which ESMF gives the points. ESMF describes this decision as somewhat arbitrary: As a result of this, while the same object ought to behave consistently for this scheme, there is no guarantee that different objects representing the same equivalent space will behave the same. """ def __init__(self, use_src_mask=False, use_tgt_mask=False, tgt_location=None): """ Nearest neighbour scheme for regridding between rectilinear grids. Parameters ---------- use_src_mask : bool, default=False If True, derive a mask from source cube which will tell :mod:`esmpy` which points to ignore. use_tgt_mask : bool, default=False If True, derive a mask from target cube which will tell :mod:`esmpy` which points to ignore. tgt_location : str or None, default=None Either "face" or "node". Describes the location for data on the mesh if the target is not a :class:`~iris.cube.Cube`. """ self.use_src_mask = use_src_mask self.use_tgt_mask = use_tgt_mask self.tgt_location = tgt_location def __repr__(self): """Return a representation of the class.""" return "ESMFNearest()"
[docs] def regridder( self, src_grid, tgt_grid, use_src_mask=None, use_tgt_mask=None, tgt_location=None, ): """ Create regridder to perform regridding from ``src_grid`` to ``tgt_grid``. Parameters ---------- src_grid : :class:`iris.cube.Cube` The :class:`~iris.cube.Cube` defining the source. tgt_grid : :class:`iris.cube.Cube` or :class:`iris.experimental.ugrid.Mesh` The unstructured :class:`~iris.cube.Cube`or :class:`~iris.experimental.ugrid.Mesh` defining the target. use_src_mask : :obj:`~numpy.typing.ArrayLike` or bool, optional Array describing which elements :mod:`esmpy` will ignore on the src_grid. If True, the mask will be derived from src_grid. use_tgt_mask : :obj:`~numpy.typing.ArrayLike` or bool, optional Array describing which elements :mod:`esmpy` will ignore on the tgt_grid. If True, the mask will be derived from tgt_grid. tgt_location : str or None, default=None Either "face" or "node". Describes the location for data on the mesh if the target is not a :class:`~iris.cube.Cube`. Returns ------- :class:`ESMFNearestRegridder` A callable instance of a regridder with the interface: ``regridder(cube)`` ... where ``cube`` is a :class:`~iris.cube.Cube` with the same grid as ``src_grid`` that is to be regridded to the grid of ``tgt_grid``. Raises ------ ValueError If ``use_src_mask`` or ``use_tgt_mask`` are True while the masks on ``src_grid`` or ``tgt_grid`` respectively are not constant over non-horizontal dimensions. """ if use_src_mask is None: use_src_mask = self.use_src_mask if use_tgt_mask is None: use_tgt_mask = self.use_tgt_mask if tgt_location is None: tgt_location = self.tgt_location return ESMFNearestRegridder( src_grid, tgt_grid, use_src_mask=use_src_mask, use_tgt_mask=use_tgt_mask, tgt_location=tgt_location, )
class _ESMFRegridder: r"""Generic regridder class for regridding of :class:`~iris.cube.Cube`\\ s.""" def __init__( self, src, tgt, method, mdtol=None, use_src_mask=False, use_tgt_mask=False, tgt_location=None, **kwargs, ): """ Create regridder for conversions between ``src`` and ``tgt``. Parameters ---------- src : :class:`iris.cube.Cube` The rectilinear :class:`~iris.cube.Cube` providing the source grid. tgt : :class:`iris.cube.Cube` or :class:`iris.experimental.ugrid.Mesh` The rectilinear :class:`~iris.cube.Cube` providing the target grid. method : str Either "conservative", "bilinear" or "nearest". Corresponds to the :mod:`esmpy` methods :attr:`~esmpy.api.constants.RegridMethod.CONSERVE`, :attr:`~esmpy.api.constants.RegridMethod.BILINEAR` or :attr:`~esmpy.api.constants.RegridMethod.NEAREST_STOD` used to calculate weights. mdtol : float, default=None Tolerance of missing data. The value returned in each element of the returned array will be masked if the fraction of masked data exceeds ``mdtol``. ``mdtol=0`` means no missing data is tolerated while ``mdtol=1`` will mean the resulting element will be masked if and only if all the contributing elements of data are masked. If no value is given, this will default to 1 for conservative regridding and 0 otherwise. use_src_mask, use_tgt_mask : :obj:`~numpy.typing.ArrayLike` or bool, default=False Either an array representing the cells in the source/target to ignore, or else a boolean value. If True, this array is taken from the mask on the data in ``src`` or ``tgt``. If False, no mask will be taken and all points will be used in weights calculation. tgt_location : str or None, default=None Either "face" or "node". Describes the location for data on the mesh if the target is not a :class:`~iris.cube.Cube`. Raises ------ ValueError If ``use_src_mask`` or ``use_tgt_mask`` are True while the masks on ``src`` or ``tgt`` respectively are not constant over non-horizontal dimensions. """ if method not in ["conservative", "bilinear", "nearest"]: raise NotImplementedError( f"method must be either 'bilinear', 'conservative' or 'nearest', got '{method}'." ) if mdtol is None: if method == "conservative": mdtol = 1 elif method in ("bilinear", "nearest"): mdtol = 0 if not (0 <= mdtol <= 1): msg = "Value for mdtol must be in range 0 - 1, got {}." raise ValueError(msg.format(mdtol)) self.mdtol = mdtol self.method = method self.src_mask = _get_mask(src, use_src_mask) kwargs["src_mask"] = self.src_mask self.tgt_mask = _get_mask(tgt, use_tgt_mask) kwargs["tgt_mask"] = self.tgt_mask src_is_mesh = src.mesh is not None tgt_is_mesh = isinstance(tgt, Mesh) or tgt.mesh is not None if src_is_mesh: if tgt_is_mesh: prepare_func = _regrid_unstructured_to_unstructured__prepare kwargs["tgt_location"] = tgt_location else: prepare_func = _regrid_unstructured_to_rectilinear__prepare else: if tgt_is_mesh: prepare_func = _regrid_rectilinear_to_unstructured__prepare kwargs["tgt_location"] = tgt_location else: prepare_func = _regrid_rectilinear_to_rectilinear__prepare regrid_info = prepare_func(src, tgt, method, **kwargs) # Store regrid info. self._tgt = self.regridder = regrid_info.regridder # Record the source grid. if src_is_mesh: self._src = MeshRecord(src.mesh, src.location) else: self._src = GridRecord(_get_coord(src, "x"), _get_coord(src, "y")) def __call__(self, cube): """ Regrid this :class:`~iris.cube.Cube` onto the target grid of this regridder instance. The given :class:`~iris.cube.Cube` must be defined with the same grid as the source :class:`~iris.cube.Cube` used to create this :class:`_ESMFRegridder` instance. Parameters ---------- cube : :class:`iris.cube.Cube` A :class:`~iris.cube.Cube` instance to be regridded. Returns ------- :class:`iris.cube.Cube` A :class:`~iris.cube.Cube` defined with the horizontal dimensions of the target and the other dimensions from this :class:`~iris.cube.Cube`. The data values of this :class:`~iris.cube.Cube` will be converted to values on the new grid using regridding via :mod:`esmpy` generated weights. """ if cube.mesh is not None: # TODO: replace temporary hack when iris issues are sorted. # Ignore differences in var_name that might be caused by saving. # TODO: uncomment this when iris issue with masked array comparison is sorted. # self_mesh = copy.deepcopy(self._src.mesh) # self_mesh.var_name = mesh.var_name # for self_coord, other_coord in zip(self_mesh.all_coords, mesh.all_coords): # if self_coord is not None: # self_coord.var_name = other_coord.var_name # for self_con, other_con in zip( # self_mesh.all_connectivities, mesh.all_connectivities # ): # if self_con is not None: # self_con.var_name = other_con.var_name # if self_mesh != mesh: # raise ValueError( # "The given cube is not defined on the same " # "source mesh as this regridder." # ) dims = [cube.mesh_dim()] else: new_src_x, new_src_y = (_get_coord(cube, "x"), _get_coord(cube, "y")) # Check the source grid matches that used in initialisation for saved_coord, new_coord in zip(self._src, (new_src_x, new_src_y)): # Ignore differences in var_name that might be caused by saving. saved_coord = copy.deepcopy(saved_coord) saved_coord.var_name = new_coord.var_name if saved_coord != new_coord: raise ValueError( "The given cube is not defined on the same " "source grid as this regridder." ) if len(new_src_x.shape) == 1: dims = [cube.coord_dims(new_src_x)[0], cube.coord_dims(new_src_y)[0]] else: # Due to structural reasons, the order here must be reversed. dims = cube.coord_dims(new_src_x)[::-1] regrid_info = RegridInfo( dims=dims, target=self._tgt, regridder=self.regridder, ) src_is_mesh = cube.mesh is not None tgt_is_mesh = isinstance(self._tgt, MeshRecord) if src_is_mesh: if tgt_is_mesh: perform_func = _regrid_unstructured_to_unstructured__perform else: perform_func = _regrid_unstructured_to_rectilinear__perform else: if tgt_is_mesh: perform_func = _regrid_rectilinear_to_unstructured__perform else: perform_func = _regrid_rectilinear_to_rectilinear__perform result = perform_func(cube, regrid_info, self.mdtol) return result
[docs] class ESMFAreaWeightedRegridder(_ESMFRegridder): r"""Regridder class for conservative regridding of :class:`~iris.cube.Cube`\\ s.""" def __init__( self, src, tgt, mdtol=0, precomputed_weights=None, src_resolution=None, tgt_resolution=None, use_src_mask=False, use_tgt_mask=False, tgt_location="face", ): """ Create regridder for conversions between ``src`` and ``tgt``. Parameters ---------- src : :class:`iris.cube.Cube` The rectilinear :class:`~iris.cube.Cube` providing the source. tgt : :class:`iris.cube.Cube` or :class:`iris.experimental.ugrid.Mesh` The unstructured :class:`~iris.cube.Cube`or :class:`~iris.experimental.ugrid.Mesh` defining the target. mdtol : float, default=0 Tolerance of missing data. The value returned in each element of the returned array will be masked if the fraction of masked data exceeds ``mdtol``. ``mdtol=0`` means no missing data is tolerated while ``mdtol=1`` will mean the resulting element will be masked if and only if all the contributing elements of data are masked. precomputed_weights : :class:`scipy.sparse.spmatrix`, optional If ``None``, :mod:`esmpy` will be used to calculate regridding weights. Otherwise, :mod:`esmpy` will be bypassed and ``precomputed_weights`` will be used as the regridding weights. src_resolution, tgt_resolution : int, optional If present, represents the amount of latitude slices per source/target cell given to ESMF for calculation. If resolution is set, ``src`` and ``tgt`` respectively must have strictly increasing bounds (bounds may be transposed plus or minus 360 degrees to make the bounds strictly increasing). use_src_mask, use_tgt_mask : :obj:`~numpy.typing.ArrayLike` or bool, default=False Either an array representing the cells in the source/target to ignore, or else a boolean value. If True, this array is taken from the mask on the data in ``src`` or ``tgt``. If False, no mask will be taken and all points will be used in weights calculation. tgt_location : str or None, default="face" Either "face" or "node". Describes the location for data on the mesh if the target is not a :class:`~iris.cube.Cube`. Raises ------ ValueError If ``use_src_mask`` or ``use_tgt_mask`` are True while the masks on ``src`` or ``tgt`` respectively are not constant over non-horizontal dimensions or if tgt_location is not "face". """ kwargs = dict() if src_resolution is not None: kwargs["src_resolution"] = src_resolution if tgt_resolution is not None: kwargs["tgt_resolution"] = tgt_resolution if tgt_location is not None and tgt_location != "face": raise ValueError( "For area weighted regridding, target location must be 'face'." ) kwargs["use_src_mask"] = use_src_mask kwargs["use_tgt_mask"] = use_tgt_mask super().__init__( src, tgt, "conservative", mdtol=mdtol, precomputed_weights=precomputed_weights, tgt_location="face", **kwargs, )
[docs] class ESMFBilinearRegridder(_ESMFRegridder): r"""Regridder class for bilinear regridding of :class:`~iris.cube.Cube`\\ s.""" def __init__( self, src, tgt, mdtol=0, precomputed_weights=None, use_src_mask=False, use_tgt_mask=False, tgt_location=None, ): """ Create regridder for conversions between ``src`` and ``tgt``. Parameters ---------- src : :class:`iris.cube.Cube` The rectilinear :class:`~iris.cube.Cube` providing the source. tgt : :class:`iris.cube.Cube` or :class:`iris.experimental.ugrid.Mesh` The unstructured :class:`~iris.cube.Cube`or :class:`~iris.experimental.ugrid.Mesh` defining the target. mdtol : float, default=0 Tolerance of missing data. The value returned in each element of the returned array will be masked if the fraction of masked data exceeds ``mdtol``. ``mdtol=0`` means no missing data is tolerated while ``mdtol=1`` will mean the resulting element will be masked if and only if all the contributing elements of data are masked. precomputed_weights : :class:`scipy.sparse.spmatrix`, optional If ``None``, :mod:`esmpy` will be used to calculate regridding weights. Otherwise, :mod:`esmpy` will be bypassed and ``precomputed_weights`` will be used as the regridding weights. use_src_mask, use_tgt_mask : :obj:`~numpy.typing.ArrayLike` or bool, default=False Either an array representing the cells in the source/target to ignore, or else a boolean value. If True, this array is taken from the mask on the data in ``src`` or ``tgt``. If False, no mask will be taken and all points will be used in weights calculation. tgt_location : str or None, default=None Either "face" or "node". Describes the location for data on the mesh if the target is not a :class:`~iris.cube.Cube`. Raises ------ ValueError If ``use_src_mask`` or ``use_tgt_mask`` are True while the masks on ``src`` or ``tgt`` respectively are not constant over non-horizontal dimensions. """ super().__init__( src, tgt, "bilinear", mdtol=mdtol, precomputed_weights=precomputed_weights, use_src_mask=use_src_mask, use_tgt_mask=use_tgt_mask, tgt_location=tgt_location, )
[docs] class ESMFNearestRegridder(_ESMFRegridder): r"""Regridder class for nearest (source to destination) regridding of :class:`~iris.cube.Cube`\\ s.""" def __init__( self, src, tgt, precomputed_weights=None, use_src_mask=False, use_tgt_mask=False, tgt_location=None, ): """ Create regridder for conversions between ``src`` and ``tgt``. Parameters ---------- src : :class:`iris.cube.Cube` The rectilinear :class:`~iris.cube.Cube` providing the source. tgt : :class:`iris.cube.Cube` or :class:`iris.experimental.ugrid.Mesh` The unstructured :class:`~iris.cube.Cube`or :class:`~iris.experimental.ugrid.Mesh` defining the target. precomputed_weights : :class:`scipy.sparse.spmatrix`, optional If ``None``, :mod:`esmpy` will be used to calculate regridding weights. Otherwise, :mod:`esmpy` will be bypassed and ``precomputed_weights`` will be used as the regridding weights. use_src_mask, use_tgt_mask : :obj:`~numpy.typing.ArrayLike` or bool, default=False Either an array representing the cells in the source/target to ignore, or else a boolean value. If True, this array is taken from the mask on the data in ``src`` or ``tgt``. If False, no mask will be taken and all points will be used in weights calculation. tgt_location : str or None, default=None Either "face" or "node". Describes the location for data on the mesh if the target is not a :class:`~iris.cube.Cube`. Raises ------ ValueError If ``use_src_mask`` or ``use_tgt_mask`` are True while the masks on ``src`` or ``tgt`` respectively are not constant over non-horizontal dimensions. """ super().__init__( src, tgt, "nearest", mdtol=0, precomputed_weights=precomputed_weights, use_src_mask=use_src_mask, use_tgt_mask=use_tgt_mask, tgt_location=tgt_location, )