Examples ======== Simple Regridding ----------------- To regrid a single Iris_ cube using an area-weighted conservative method:: import iris from iris.experimental.ugrid import PARSE_UGRID_ON_LOAD from esmf_regrid.schemes import ESMFAreaWeighted # An example such a file can be found at: # https://github.com/SciTools/iris-test-data/blob/master/test_data/NetCDF/unstructured_grid/data_C4.nc with PARSE_UGRID_ON_LOAD.context(): source_mesh_cube = iris.load_cube("mesh_cube.nc") # An example of such a file can be found at: # https://github.com/SciTools/iris-test-data/blob/master/test_data/NetCDF/global/xyt/SMALL_hires_wind_u_for_ipcc4.nc target_grid_cube = iris.load_cube("grid_cube.nc") result = source_mesh_cube.regrid(target_grid_cube, ESMFAreaWeighted()) Note that this scheme is flexible and it is also possible to regrid from a structured cube to an unstructured cube as follows:: result = target_grid_cube.regrid(source_mesh_cube, ESMFAreaWeighted()) Saving and Loading a Regridder ------------------------------ A regridder can be set up for reuse, this saves time performing the computationally expensive initialisation process:: from esmf_regrid.schemes import ESMFAreaWeighted # Initialise the regridder with a source mesh and target grid. regridder = ESMFAreaWeighted().regridder(source_mesh_cube, target_grid_cube) # use the initialised regridder to regrid the data from the source cube # onto a cube with the same grid as `target_grid_cube`. result = regridder(source_mesh_cube) To make use of this efficiency across sessions, we support the saving of certain regridders. We can do this as follows:: from esmf_regrid.experimental.io import load_regridder, save_regridder # Save the regridder. save_regridder(regridder, "saved_regridder.nc") # Load saved regridder. loaded_regridder = load_regridder("saved_regridder.nc") # Use loaded regridder. result = loaded_regridder(source_mesh_cube) .. todo: Add more examples. .. _Iris: https://github.com/SciTools/iris